Risk assessmentPrimary Learning EnvironmentYour detailsYour name(Required) First Last Your email(Required) Child/young person's name(Required) First Last Your relationship to the child/young personPhysical features of the learning environmentAre all Smoke, Fire, and Carbon Monoxide alarms functional and tested regularly?(Required) Yes NoIs parking available within 200m of the Learning Environment?(Required) Yes NoAre there any steps to enter/exit the Learning Environment?(Required) Up to 3 4-10 More than 10Is there a clear footpath to/from the Learning Environment?(Required) Yes NoIs there a suitable area for tuition to take place in? i.e. a table and suitable seating in a quiet area for both the pupil and tutor(Required) Yes NoAre there any other features of the Learning Environment that are important to know for the tutor prior to the first session?(Required) Yes NoIf yes, please describe themSituational Risks within the Learning Environment?Are there any hazardous or harmful items within the learning environment that the student can access?(Required)i.e. Sharp objects such as scissors, or knives, or any other object that could be used to cause harm to the tutor. Yes NoIs there provision for these items to be stored away from the pupil during tuition sessions? Yes NoAre there any animals or pets likely to be within the Learning Environment during tutoring sessions?(Required) Yes NoHow large is the Pet? Does the Pet have a history of aggression?(Required)Can you ensure that the Pet/Animal will not be present while the tutor is present? (exception in the case of service animals)(Required) Yes NoInformation about people within the learning environmentDoes anyone in the learning environment have any allergens that we need to make the tutor aware of e.g. nuts?(Required) Yes NoPlease list allergens(Required)Is there any information about the pupil that is not covered within their EHC plan that could impact tuition, including changes in behaviour, learning style etc.Any changes in the health or wellbeing of the pupil that may impact their learning should be reported to Powertutors and the Local Authority, where appropriate. Particularly in cases where the tutor may need to change their behaviour or teaching to benefit the child’s wellbeing, such as in response to mental health issues that arise during the course of tuition which are not already incorporated within the pupils EHCP.(Required) I agree that any changes in the health or wellbeing of the pupil that may impact their learning should be reported to Powertutors and the Local Authority, where appropriate. Particularly in cases where the tutor may need to change their behaviour or teaching to benefit the child’s wellbeing, such as in response to mental health issues that arise during the course of tuition which are not already incorporated within the pupils EHCP.(Required)All information declared is accurate to the best of my knowledge.(Required) All information declared is accurate to the best of my knowledge.(Required)Δ