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Resource Hub

Welcome to the Powertutors Resource Hub! Here, you’ll find a wealth of information and tools designed to support our mission of making education achievable for all. Whether you’re a parent, tutor, or student, our resources are here to help you thrive.

Please note that this is a work in progress, so stay tuned for more content and updates.

Understanding aspects of SEND

In our “Understanding aspects of SEND” section, we provide valuable insights and resources to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Our downloadable PDFs cover a range of topics to help you better understand and support the unique needs of every child.

Understanding Aspects of SEND: ADD

Our guide to Understanding Aspects of SEND: ADD


Other useful resources

ADDitude Magazine (
Provides practical strategies, articles and community support.

ADHD Foundation (
Offers resources for both ADHD and ADD, including training and support.

Children and Adults with ADD (CHADD) (
A leading organisation for individuals with ADD, offering resources and guidance.

Book recommendations:
Driven to Distraction by Edward M. Hallowell
Smart but Scattered by Peg Dawson

Understanding Aspects of SEND: ADHD

Our guide to Understanding Aspects of SEND: ADHD


Other useful resources

ADDitude Magazine (
Provides practical strategies, articles and community support.

ADHD Foundation (
Offers resources for both ADHD and ADD, including training and support.

Children and Adults with ADD (CHADD) (
A leading organisation for individuals with ADD, offering resources and guidance.

Book recommendations:
Driven to Distraction by Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey
Smart but Scattered by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare

Understanding Aspects of SEND: Asperger’s Syndrome

Our guide to Understanding Aspects of SEND: Asperger’s Syndrome


Other useful resources

National Autistic Society ( Offers comprehensive resources and advice for individuals with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.

Asperger/Autism Network (AANE) ( Provides community support, training and resources tailored to individuals with Asperger’s.

Book recommendations:
Look Me in the Eye by John Elder Robison
The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome by Tony Attwood

Understanding Aspects of SEND: Autism

Our guide to Understanding Aspects of SEND: Autism


Other useful resources

National Autistic Society ( Comprehensive resources, guidance and support for individuals with autism and their families.

Autism Speaks ( Offers toolkits, information and advocacy resources.

Book recommendations:
The Reason I Jump by Naoki Higashida
NeuroTribes by Steve Silberman

Understanding Aspects of SEND: Childhood Psychosis

Our guide to Understanding Aspects of SEND: Childhood Psychosis


Other useful resources

Mind ( Offers resources and guidance for managing mental health conditions, including psychosis.

YoungMinds ( Provides information and support for children’s mental health challenges.

National Institute of Mental Health ( Shares research and treatment options for childhood psychosis and related conditions.

Book recommendation:
Helping Kids in Crisis by Fadi Haddad

Understanding Aspects of SEND: Conduct Disorder

Our guide to Understanding Aspects of SEND: Conduct Disorder


Other useful resources

Child Mind Institute ( Provides resources and guidance for managing behavioural challenges like Conduct Disorder.

YoungMinds ( Offers support and information on mental health conditions affecting children and teens.

Book recommendations:
The Defiant Child by Dr. Douglas Riley
Parenting the Strong-Willed Child by Rex Forehand and Nicholas Long
Parenting Children with Conduct Disorder by Abraham Theresa

Understanding Aspects of SEND: Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)

Our guide to Understanding Aspects of SEND: Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)


Other useful resources

RADLD ( Provides resources, training and awareness for DLD.

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) ( Offers information on accessing speech and language therapy services.

ICAN ( Supports children with communication challenges, including DLD.

Speech and Language UK ( Support and resources for families and educators, including news and blogs.

Book recommendations:
Uncommon Understanding by Dorothy Bishop
Small Talk: Simple Ways to Boost Your Child’s Speech and Language Development from Birth by Nicola Lathey

Understanding Aspects of SEND: Down Syndrome

Our guide to Understanding Aspects of SEND: Down Syndrome


Other useful resources

Down Syndrome Association ( Provides resources, advice, and support for individuals with Down Syndrome and their families.

National Down Syndrome Society ( Offers education, advocacy and practical guidance for individuals with Down Syndrome.

Down Syndrome Education International ( Focuses on improving education and development for individuals with Down Syndrome.

Book recommendations:
Early Communication Skills for Children with Down Syndrome by Libby Kumin
Babies with Down Syndrome by Susan Skallerup

Understanding Aspects of SEND: Dyscalculia

Our guide to Understanding Aspects of SEND: Dyscalculia


Other useful resources

British Dyslexia Association ( Provides information on dyscalculia alongside other learning differences. ( Shares practical strategies and support for children with math-related learning difficulties.

National Numeracy ( Explanation of dyscalculia with tips and guidance. ( Offers resources, tools and guidance for individuals with dyscalculia.

Book recommendations:
The Dyscalculia Toolkit by Ronit Bird
The Dyscalculia Assessment: A complete teacher assessment tool for identifying maths difficulties by Jane Emerson and Patricia Babtie

Understanding Aspects of SEND: Dyslexia

Our guide to Understanding Aspects of SEND: Dyslexia


Other useful resources

British Dyslexia Association ( Offers resources, support and advocacy for individuals with dyslexia and their families.

International Dyslexia Association ( Provides research-based information and practical resources.

Made By Dyslexia ( Shares tools, training and success stories to empower individuals with dyslexia.

Book recommendations:
The Dyslexia Advantage by Brock Eide and Fernette Eide
Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz

Understanding Aspects of SEND: Dyspraxia

Our guide to Understanding Aspects of SEND: Dyspraxia


Other useful resources

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