Exam Resits: Bouncing Back from Exam Disappointment

Not achieving the grades you need in exams can feel like the end of the world. But in reality, it is just a small stepping stone in your educational journey. Now you have a chance to think about where you want the next direction of your academic journey to go. Whether you wish to partake in exam resits, or if you’ll accept your results and work with them is entirely up to you. A setback is not a permanent roadblock but a stepping stone towards success.
Should you decide that an exam resit is a route you’d like to take, we’re here to provide helpful study tips and recommendations to ensure that you achieve the grade you know that you’re capable of this time around.
Understanding Exam Resits
What exactly is a resit? The UK education system provides students with an opportunity to retake their exams if they do not achieve the grades they need. This process, known as ‘resitting,’ allows students to have another shot at improving their grades, whether it’s for GCSE, A-Levels, or university exams.
The Role of a Tutor
Using a tutor can be a game-changer when preparing for a resit. Tutors can provide personalised help, identifying the areas where the student struggles and devising an individualised learning plan. They guide students through complex topics, provide practice material, and offer techniques to handle exam stress. The one-on-one attention that a tutor provides can significantly enhance a student’s understanding and confidence.
Study Tips for Exam Resits
Pinpoint the Problem Areas
One of the best things about doing a resit is that you’ve already done the exam once. And whilst the questions won’t be the same, you’ll know the area of the exam in which you struggled in. Therefore helping you know which areas you should use as starting points in studying for a resit.
Speak with the course teacher or find a tutor who specialises in this area to ensure that your knowledge is sound in this area the second time around.
Create a Study Schedule
Like when studying for regular exams, organisation is key. Create a study schedule that includes regular breaks, and make sure it’s followed consistently. This will ensure all subjects and topics are adequately covered.
If you’re using a tutor, go through with them all the topics that could be covered in the exam and schedule tutoring sessions for each of them.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Familiarity can help to reduce exam anxiety. As mentioned previously, you’ve done this exam before so you know what you felt in the exam hall and how you did with the questions and time limit provided. Use the resources provided and do as many practice papers as possible under exam conditions.
This will not only help you understand the exam format but also improve your time management skills so that you have enough time to look through the exam previously.
Health is Wealth
It can become easy to get lost in your revision and the stress of exam resits. Taking regular breaks, maintaining a healthy diet, and having a regular sleep schedule can significantly impact your ability to concentrate and retain information.
Exam resits, while daunting, are a path towards achieving academic goals. With the right tutor, effective study strategies, and exam preparation, you can use resits to re-align yourself on the course of your choosing. Remember, success is not about never falling, but about getting up every time we fall.
For more information on how powertutors tutors can help your exam resit journey, get in touch today.